Net2Success IT Solutions

Transforming Online Reputation for Penguin Random House Speakers Bureau


When Penguin Random House Speakers Bureau, the world’s most global trade book publisher, needed to enhance their online reputation, they turned to a freelancer with a proven track record in ORM (Online Reputation Management).


The primary goal was to build a robust online reputation for the Penguin Random House Speakers Bureau by generating more quality reviews and improving overall brand perception.


The main challenge was identifying the best strategies and platforms to attract and encourage authentic reviews from satisfied customers.


To address this challenge, I developed and executed a comprehensive ORM strategy that included:

  • Optimized Online Profiles: Created and optimized profiles on key review platforms to attract more reviews.
  • Engagement Tactics: Implemented engagement tactics to encourage satisfied clients to leave positive feedback.
  • Content Strategy: Developed high-quality, engaging content to highlight the bureau’s strengths and achievements.
  • Monitoring and Response: Set up monitoring tools to track and promptly respond to reviews, ensuring a proactive reputation management approach.


The result was a significant improvement in the online reputation of the Penguin Random House Speakers Bureau, evidenced by:

  • Increased Positive Reviews: A noticeable uptick in the number of quality reviews.
  • Enhanced Brand Perception: Improved online presence and brand perception.
  • Higher Client Engagement: More interaction and engagement from potential and existing clients.

Elevate your brand’s online reputation like Penguin Random House Speakers Bureau. Contact me today to start building a powerful online presence that attracts and retains clients!